Peccadilloes in Nippon and in Nipponese with a Quixotic Perspective. Coming at you from Yokohama, near Tokyo.
August 25, 2010
I Totally Taught These People Japanese
This is one of those posts where I show a video and then share some book links because the video just ain't enough. Here's the vid of me teaching Japanese:
And now here's the useful books that will not be all flippant when answering your queries.
Using Japanese Slang (US)(JP): All those fun dirty words
Common Japanese Phrases(US)(JP): Useful expressions for every occasion
Strange But True(US)(JP): A Reader that is super helpful for building literacy
How to Sound Intelligent in Japanese (US)(JP): A super vocabulary builder
Making Sense of Japanese(US)(JP): Learn the difference between は and が
A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters(US)(JP): More like a guide to the origins of characters if you as me, but I dig it
Japanese Verbs (US)(JP): I haven't read this one, but I think I have read one from the same series
Also, check those links on the sidebar of this very blog. They will save your study soul.
awesome video, I actually learned a few things, Wish I could have seen the video where you invited questions to be asked.