September 19, 2007


I am really addicted to semicolons; they pop up everywhere in my writing. Sometimes I even substitute them for commas; and I've really got to watch that (parentheses are another thing I use a ton--this one was supposed to be about how semicolons don't go before "and").

I feel really bad for non-native English speakers who try to read the blog; this entry will probably do more harm than good.


  1. Don't worry, as a non-native English speaker, I can assure you we can handle it! Barely, but I hope we will survive :P (And parentheses are really, really cool)

  2. My vice of choice is also parenthetical expressions. Never really had a thing for semicolons, though. But I like your writing style, so it may catch on after a while. Ha ha.

  3. You seem like the person who has enjoyed (or will enjoy) the book Eats, Shoots & Leaves - - it made me a semi-colon whore for about a year.


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