November 7, 2005

Imperitive memory meme

Memory lane Message: If you read this, even if we don't speak often, you must post a comment on my page with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want -- good or bad, just as long as it happened. Think long and hard now!! Then post this up yourself and see what people remember about you.
For example: My memory of Danielle (one of the friends I made last summer): "well, we didn't have much time together, but I remember asking you to say, "Everyone will suffer." like Samara, and you did, just as creepily as the movie. I believe my reply was, 'Is it so wrong that I'm really turned on right now?'"
Maybe you'll see what I meant if you see her picture. Hey Steph, assignment time! Take a picture of Danielle doing Samara.


  1. I remember playing Car Wars/Battle Cattle with you and table full of non-gamers who had the attention spans of hyperglycemic ferrets. I wanted to strangle several of them (notably Brittany), and we kept exchanging that exasperated look that the hardcore gamer reserves for those who lack the gaming gene.
    Ah, good times, good times...

  2. oh man, that memory makes me laugh. On the plus side, it made winning that game very easy for me. Hey Linus, you should do a review of that zombie game we played for the zombie blog!

  3. I remember coming home one day to the apartment on Willet and you were there, drawing for your comic. It was unexpected, but wonderful.

  4. It is silly but the most outstanding memory of you is backrubs. Specifically, you on the floor while I worked on your shoulders and neck.

    The first time I remember this happening was at Rachel and Abra's apartment. I was curled up on the futon and you had plopped down on the floor. I think it was a movie night. That was the start of many, random back rubs.

  5. I remember chasing you down on Dell Range and then both of us walking back to my house talking about all sorts of things. Good evening, it was, it was. *hugs*

  6. I have two words for you, my friend:

    Penguin fighting!


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