Where do the slugs come from? Recently, I've broken all sorts of long standing building-code laws by trying to insulate and vermin-proof my home. Japanese homes are known for being very open to the air. Great, until you take into account mosquitoes, cockroaches, and winter. Seriously, Japan, time to get with the temporal period that is the 21st century. So anyways, yeah, slugs still find a way in, despite the fact that logic would dictate that they had all frozen to death by now, and that my lemon-fresh floors would insult their noses. Maybe slugs don't have noses.
In case you're wondering, the maze of doom is only for really frustrating days. Otherwise, slugs meet their ignomious end in the toilet.
the maze of doom is cool; has any ever gotten out alive?
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of like that running man movie where if you make it out, they kill you anyway.
ReplyDeleteI would like to make the official declaration that Clay Barkdull is a genious. That picture of the maze of doom totally made my day.
ReplyDeleteYou know that slug looks rather cute. Just how many do escape?
ReplyDeleteBut the slug's kinna adorable...
ReplyDeletemaybe I would find them cuter if they weren't often going *squish* under my feet while I try to find the bathroom in the dark.
ReplyDeleteslugs freak me out.