February 14, 2007

Urban Exploration in Tara-cho


  1. About Japan rotting away - I have the same impression.

    I don't see it so much as 'rotting away', but the outside of nearly every building is filthy! I've never seen any buildings being washed in the States, so I don't know why Japanese buildings would be any dirtier than their American counterparts. Maybe it's the kind of paint they use? It detracts from a beautiful cityscape, but at the same time it gives it some character.

    I think we may be on the exact same page with 'urban exploration'. I also enjoy suburban and rural exploration. I don't ever worry about getting lost in Japan. On the contrary, I like getting lost in Japan. You can find so many interesting things going on in small, remote inaka villages.

  2. I also enjoy getting lost in Japan. It's almost always an adventure, seldom life-threatening, and thoroughly enjoyable. Clay, considering how close the area you were exploring was to the sea, I'm with you on the typhoon guess. If it weren't for the proximity, though, I'd have guessed earthquake. Really interesting. Oh yeah - nice use of "auntie," "juxtaposition," and "preface." Why did I include preface? Because I've always said it "preh-fuss," not "pre-face," as it's written. I guess we have to fight to the death to see who's right on that score. :-)

  3. well I pronouce the b in subtle (ironic eh?) so we're even.

  4. actually I am now sure you are right. So we are not even at all. I also conjugate squeezed as squoze. And pronouce awry as ahree. I need to make a vid about how I murder English.

  5. ni hao ge ge.

    I'm going to china this summer and if I get enough monies I might be able to arrange a stop off in Japan if you're game.

    xie xie, zai jian.

  6. never heard the ge ge part. Okay, common over! matta ne

  7. The number of abondoned buildings in Japan is astonishing. Perhaps it's just a Saga thing, what with it being much poorer than other places. We have nothing quite so cool as that abandoned hotel where you are, but we've poked around a few abandoned buildings ourselves in these parts and really didn't have to go far at all to find them. It's a little sad.

  8. ge ge means big bro. ma ma means mom ba ba means dad. it's like chinese was made up by some infants.


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