December 10, 2008

Cute Little Nazis

Oh dear. I've blogged before about how Japanese people sometimes don't get that what they are doing is incredibly offensive, especially when it comes to the Nazi thing. I remember one time going into the "weird-cool foreign stuff" store and seeing a display of Mein Kampf complete with a flag that had a swastika, skull, and S.S. lightning bolts, as if it was just one more cool thing you could get into.
So the girls in this video, well they don't really surprise me when they show ignorance, or cheerfully do a Hitler impression at the end.
The hair pin was classic too; only a Japanese girl would think of making Hitler into another cute character.

[tanks to TokyoCooney]
EDIT: The girls had to appologize, or at least their company did.
ALSO EDIT: Here are some cute cosplay Nazi photos. What? Yeah.


  1. And people wonder why so many Japanese deny the Nanjing massacre and other horrible acts of war. "Hitler was just a good speaker."

  2. Why do "so many Japanese" deny the Nanjing massacre?

    I'd place most of the blame on the Chinese government, which has used outrageous body count exaggerations and doctored photos to build nationalistic feelings. Some Japanese people probably don't want to admit their military did such horrible things, and the dishonesty of the Chinese government is a great excuse not to believe.

  3. Just for your information: it is called "Mein Kampf" and NOT "Mein Kompf". Please correct that!

    And yes, it is important! I know, I am a picky little German guy here, but that is the way we are...

    see: for more

  4. Well, in all honesty... Hitler was an amazing speaker and an unrivaled leader. Agreed, he didn't really have the morals one might like in a leader but with is claim-to-fame slaughter set aside, he got it all right.

    (Though I still think he's not the best guy to look up to haha)

    And I agree: things are taken a bit too light heartedly around here.

  5. "I'd place most of the blame on the Chinese government..."

    Of course you would! :)

  6. Of course the Chinese government trumps it up, but the best way for the Japanese to deal with it is acknowledge the monumental evil, not nitpick the numbers, and emphasize that they have moved on. This will leave Chinese 1984-style-enemy-makers impotent.


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