And now the ad (click to zoom):
The Top few lines:
冒険をする時 When on an adventure
大切なことは the important thing
いろいろな人と with various people
話をすることです。is to have conversations
会話 conversation
を通じてby means of
世界で起っていることが the things happening in the world
明らかになれば、 if become clear,
あなたが you
そこで there
何をすればよいかが what should do
次第に gradually
分かってくる become clear
はずです。ought to be
Note that I could translate two things as should, but 何をすればよいかが is literally "what+obj.+ if do+ good+ the question of+sub." or "what would be good to do?" and はずです is "ought to+ be", expressing expectation, but could be should. Another word I often translate as should is べき. It is mostly for stating what one should do in a way that can come off as hoity-toity if not used correctly. You should think about what should means, shouldn't you.
The red circle:
村や町 villages or towns
に入ると when enter
さまざまな人と with various people
two とs in this one, but the first is a conditional と (when x is done, y is the result) and the other is the simpler "and/with" と. A third type of と is the quoting one, as in " x と言った". There is a と in the first breakdown, so take a look at that one too.
The bottom line:
困っている人を people in trouble
助けたり helping etc.
事件を cases
解決することで、by solving
物語は story
どんどん rapidly
広がっています spreading out
the たり conjugation of a verb means "doing things like" and is often followed by する even if the verb in the たりform is already する. Example: ゴルフをしたりする=doing things like golfing
I'll leave the dialog shots from the game alone.
hey clay,
ReplyDeletejust letting you know that you rule super hard. you're hilarious without trying hard. it's awesome.
keep up the good work!
Yes, I'm so funny people laugh at me
ReplyDeleteBut never with me