April 12, 2007

Let me tell you about ananonanonano-merica

Sorry esoteric title there. Anyways, enjoy the vid.


  1. Taco Bell.


    Taco Bell.qvptng

  2. you could have pointed out your Dad and Mom holding 'The Nephew'! That was very fun, and having you here was very fun. Hopefully the next time we get together it will be in Japan! But I will die shortly after my arrival from bloodclots caused by the long plane trip so it better be worth it!

  3. It’s AMERICA! Haha, these pictures are amazing. I saw a picture of stephy by a fire. Your pictures make me smile. How was the jet lag?

  4. This video made me laugh, smile, and generally carry on like a four year old. Miss you my friend.

    ujecdxh: What you do with a video tape when it's finished.

    (The cheese bit was particularly good.)


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