December 13, 2007


Sleep does not come when I eat. But I made the mistake of eating tacos late. And when I eat tacos, I can't stop. I ate literally 12 tacos over the course of the night. Cause I couldn't sleep. Due to the tacos. Which I kept eating. Cause of the no sleep to stop me thing. Are you seeing the pattern?

So that didn't help too much when I had to give my presentation to 50 old people today. I talked about my home state of Wyoming, and somehow managed to make it look interesting (thanks, Yellowstone!). My bosses wanted me to speak Tara-ben the whole time, but it is hard enough to remember to use keigo, which we previously established I don't use. Cause of tacos--No! But yeah, lots of doubly finished sentences today, like, "雪がよくふるっ--ふります!”So local dialect was right out. I'm not sure how to mix it with keigo anyhow; there is a Saga-ben equivalent to the masu-form, but I've never heard it out loud.
In my insomnia I turned to a pirated online version of the Space Farmer. Despite it's crappyness, not even this brought me sleep. I laughed during his first failed launch though. Not so much when he decided to risk everyone's lives by doing it again. And where did the money come from?! Bad movie.


  1. You and I have seem to have opposite reactions to late night food.

    Because of my late working hours (late like until 4 in the morning), I get really hungry at about 1 a.m. I used to have a policy where I wouldn't eat after 10 p.m., but that just went out the window. For example, last night I had oden and some sort of Korean sausage at 2 a.m., followed by pineapple flavored sandwich cookies at 3 a.m., washed down with two huge glasses of water. I crashed at 4 a.m. and didn't wake up till lunch.

    Running a hotel - Sure, the money is good, but it's just not natural for humans. We're not nocturnal! I'll be done with it all in 2 and a half months, anyway.

    The good thing about this bad habit is that my wife considers me tall and well-fed now, instead of formerly being just long and lanky. In short, my new bad eating habit put some meat on my ribs.

  2. I am your opposite! I have often thought about how the hardest part of my job is keeping normal people hours.
    Oddly enough Japanese people don't keep normal hours, but unlike me they don't find this exhasting.


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