February 4, 2008

A change of gate

Had a lot of free time today so I went up to the giant sports grounds overlooking the school. I did four laps, which I figure is about a mile. It was enough to make my back hurt, this exercise after a couple months of slacking and sitting.
Halfway through my first lap the special ed class showed up. Why they have their class separate is beyond me. But I played a little soccer with the three of them and the teacher. I am quite frankly worse at playing than them.
Got a heads up today that I have gained some sort of a use em and loose em reputation among some people in Saga. Which was shocking, honestly, because I've only ever dated one girl in the entire prefecture, and she broke things off. And my last real relationship lasted two years; I'm not looking to play around. So I don't know who started this rumor or why, but it's disturbing, and there's nothing I can do about it.
This is the power of bad gossip. Could people be confusing me with another giant blond guy?
Without knowing the above, I went on that date yesterday. It was fun, and I was super chaste. So take that, rumor mongers!


  1. It's the "white guys are all whores" stereotype you all get tagged with. Or was it the "foreigners are all whores" we're all tagged with. I can't remember.

    Everyone's probably just scared you'll dilute the pure Japanese gene pool with a freaky mixed race kid...like me (look out)!

  2. does that mean you have a bun in the oven? Is it a marmot?

  3. Hurray the date was a date afterall! Brilliant.


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