Due to Japanese winter, I've been living a rather slovenly existence, because I can't stand to leave the warmth of my Kotastu (as seen in the photo of my grungy self; kotatsus are a Japanese thing as seen in this illustration of Japanese female roleplayers).
Time to work out! There is a workout I picked up long ago from shoot fighters. They beat me up and said,"that was no fun, here, follow this workout plan and we'll see if you can put up a little bit of a fight next time." The work out is deceptively simple; the only equipment you need is a deck of cards. You flip the cards over one at a time and do an accourding exercise. Red cards mean squats, and black cards mean push ups. You do a coresponding number of repetitions equal to the number on the card (face cards count for ten repitions, aces for one), then you flip the next card. It's good for confusing your muscles. It's also good for practicing the alternate (kun) readings of Japanese numbers, should you want to ("hitotsu, futatsu, mitsu," etc), but that's niether here nor there.
If you go through the whole deck, you've done 170 pushups and 170 squats. Now, I haven't done this in years, but as I'm turning into an old man, I made a silly new year's resolution to stay in shape: Gain 30lbs of muscle (computer generated image of what Clay+30lbs. might look like here). So I shuffled the cards the other night and started.
Face card after face card came up. I only made it through about 20 cards before I gave out.
The next day, my legs were made out of wood. Really, really painful wood.
This weekend, I went to Nagasaki with the Takeo crowd (when I really should have been fixing my ruined-by-vacation sleeping schedual), and saw the sights, but man, it didn't help my painful legs to walk up all those hills and stairs. I turned into an old man as the night went on. By the end, I was so tired and irritated I fear I found a way to insult or bring down about everyone there. I really dropped the ball with a girl too, but hopefully she has something more accessable than me lined up.
The moral of the story: Start with just ten cards, and get plenty of sleep if you want to give love a chance.
Sara took lots of pictures in Thailand of Ayutthaya, which is a place I visited. So, if you want to see them (they're great!) go here.
Today's pictures of Nagasaki include:
The hearstone. If you find it, you will be happy. I'm not the one who found it...
The Nagasaki bay area.
The original Bruce Lee jumpsuit.
A Christian church in Nagasaki.

That sounds like a good work out system, I may copy that. Maybe diversify it more with something for the face cards, like push ups, squats, sit-ups, and shadow boxing or something. If you're interested in getting some free-weights, just ask at a sporting goods store. They probably won't have them, but will gladly order them. If the Japanese breaks down, miming what you want probably would work too. If you ever want to mess around with boxing, let me know! I'd love to train with someone.
ReplyDeleteLastly, sorry about things not working out with luv. I can't remember the name of the girl you were seeing, but all that trial and error is worth it in the end. ( Pray to GOD that it's worth it...)
Why would anyone aspire to look like or be like Dolph Lundgren in any way?! Granted, he can act SLIGHTLY better than Keanu Reeves, but that justifies nothing. Good luck with the working out! I think that card deck workout would be a good way to rehabilitate chronic gamblers. :-D
ReplyDeleteI think the work out sounds great, muscles need confusing all the time-
ReplyDeleteI m gonna try it for sure :)
always wannted to go to japan so I am enjoying your blog
I saw your doppleganger here in Sydney on Tuesday night. Although he was a lot smaller.
ReplyDeleteJake: so I can say, "I will break you."
ReplyDeleteMiss: So I assume you have a date to plan for ;)
So Clay + 30 lbs = Drago. Nice.
ReplyDeleteI like Dolph Lundgren. He's He-Man for goodnessakes!
Love that electric blanket-thingy.
Just so you know, I asked my cousin about that company that's like the JET program and she never got back to me :-(.