January 8, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire - Worth Seeing

This trailer makes it look kind of hollywood, but I found the movie amazing, and it brought back memories of volunteering in Thailand. It makes you want to do something about the way things are!
Preorder Slumdog Millionaire here:

I discovered another Danny Boyle gem recently as well: Shallow Grave. Pick that up if you are in the mood for a thriller, and some goofy fashion of an older era.
Buy it here:
I have become an Amazon associate. If you want to help me buy study materials, these links are a good substitution for donations!
Or, since I mentioned my Thai experience, any time is a good time to help out your favorite charity. I won't mind if you choose that over helping me! Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to donated to my old Thai orphan charities at the moment, but maybe I can find volunteer Steve's email...

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I remember when Shallow Grave came out! The fashion didn't seem funny when I watched it back then.

    Now I feel old...


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