May 9, 2007

Old man. Enka. Laughter


  1. Isn't it wonderful how little effort it takes to make someones day! And how far kindness can go? Now I am off to deliver meals on wheels to my crazy old people, and it is always an adventure!

  2. You've made your mom (or else a maternal stalker) proud, how heartwarming.
    Japanese people have a way of putting things that's endearing and hard to say no to.
    My singing frightens people so I would have had to ignore him, I thought elderly Japanese took care of themselves and are the healthiest in the world.
    What did you use to film that?
    Your regular digital camera?

  3. Oh my god, I can't believe I just watched this now. That guy is Shiroishi station's resident crazy homeless guy. Yeah, he lives there. When Colin's bike broke at the station, he lent him his really old yellow bike. Also, when we were at the station on Christmas, he was dancing around the middle of the road singing Christmas songs, pretending to direct traffic, and shouting English-like things at us.

  4. Awe, we should buy him a blanket or something.

  5. that cross hand pose he uses is awesome.


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