May 3, 2008

Ma Ma Mawasu! Wii Fit

There is a hairy belly in this video. It was neccissary. You have been warned. Thanks to Zara for the little neccissary gif.
btw, A Softer World has the same problem as me.


  1. try reloading/going to the video page etc.

  2. Hahahahaha!!!! Nice moves!

  3. You should forget the video game and join a yosakoi team because you have very, very nice dance moves. It was nes, nes, necessary for you to do this post.

  4. haha - sorry it took me so long to reply, I was somewhat out of the country. If Wii-fit really had that game, I would buy the HELL out of it.

  5. Omg you're cute! |・ω・`)コッショリ

  6. Hahaha this was amazing; I seriously lol-ed, much to my chagrin.

    I can't wait to try out WiiFit myself. But unfortunately it'll be the lame-o US version so I won't be able to have a [legitimate] reason to jump about dancing like...



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